Mrs. L. Bendorf,

Assistant Director

Lead Teacher for:

1A / 5A 6 Tenor Bass (Bravo)

1B / 5B 6 Tenor Bass (Encore)

3B / 7B NV Treble (Bella Voce)

4A / 8A 6 Treble (Melodia)

   Hello from Mrs. Bendorf!


OFFICE PHONE  832-386-1770

CONFERENCE PERIOD  12:44-1:29 PM daily

CONTACT ME by using the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of this page

open house video - Google Slides.mp4

CLASS EXPECTATIONS can be found in the  "Choir Handbook" button below.

TUTORIALS are available by appointment.

HOMEWORK will happen infrequently, and will be visible through the Google Classroom Calendar linked above. 

The best way for a student to be SUCCESSFUL in choir at GPMS is to participate fully in class every day. Most choir learning is done in a group class setting. Practicing at home is always encouraged, and in some cases will be required for homework purposes. All scanned music  and recordings are available on Google Classroom.